While eager to get back to business, organizations face tough questions:
- When do we re-open?
- How do we re-open safely, in accordance with mandates and guidelines at various levels of government?
- How do we communicate protocols for working in our ‘next normal’?
- What new employee expectations have emerged as a result of COVID-19? How do we meet them?
Employees have serious concerns about returning to work, and they expect more from their employers.

Employees also expect constant communication and flexible work arrangements.

Achieving a successful return to work – and to the workplace – requires a holistic view of the employee journey. It starts at home and, as people move through their day, companies and employers need to take every step of this journey into consideration before “opening” for business again.
With this mindset, BCW guides clients through a three-phase approach.
- Assess employee expectations for a safe return to work and implement necessary physical changes
- Prepare for different scenarios for return to work
- Develop policies and procedures and implement physical changes for safe return to work
- Communicate clearly and constantly on new policies and procedures
- Accept and encourage feedback on policies and procedures
- Keep employees updated of ongoing improvements and any new developments
Are you prepared to bring your employees back to work?
Consider these questions:
- Can all employees report to work, or will here be a select few departments resuming work?
- Are you extending work from home even after “re-opening”?
- How many employees can come in while factoring in social distancing guidelines?
- Do you need to re-evaluate work hours or organize shifts?
- What are the special provisions that you are making to safeguard health of the employees and support staff at their workplace?
- What are the health screening processes put in place?
- Do you need to make special arrangements for shared spaces (i.e. kitchen, bathrooms, common areas)?